Four Point Rotary Bending Fatigue Tester

Four Point Rotary Bending Fatigue Test Rig is used to study the fatigue failure of materials when subject to constant bending moment.
Stand alone compact bench system.
Leverage type loading system.
Digital display of applied load.
Pre set revolution counter.
Auto shutoff facility once specimen failures.
Technical Specifications:
Maximum bending movement - 400 kg-cm
Gripping diameter of test sample - 12mm
Testing diameter of specimen - 8mm
Rotating speed - 0-3000 rpm (continuously variable)
Accuracy of applied bending - ± 1%
Digital counter for measuring rotation - 8 digits
Preset counter with speed - 6 digits indicator
Maximum load applied - up to 20kg with digital indicator
Distance between load bearing point - 200mm to hinge bearing point