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Four Ball EP And Wear Tester

To determine the co-efficient of friction of lubricants, wear preventive (WP) & extreme pressure (EP) properties of lubricants characteristics of lubricating oils under variety test conditions.
Conforms to ASTM D 2266, D 2596, D 2783, D 3233, D 4172 & D 5183 Standard.
Performs co-efficient of friction, wear preventive (WP) & extreme pressure (EP).
On line data acquisition of frictional torque, temperature, normal load & co-efficient of friction.
Microscope to view the scar diameter.
Technical Specifications
Speed - 100 to 2000 rpm continuously variable
Normal Load - 13 to 800 kg
Leverage Ratio - 15:1
Test ball diameter - 12.7mm
Temperature - up to 200°C maximum
Test Duration - 99hrs:59min:59sec
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